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Short on space? Want to set up a state-of-the-art battery charging area? Our team will provide you with a free consult and concept layout for a safe and efficient battery room solution that matches your unique requirements.
Our Battery Room Solutions
Intelligent Battery System
Battery handling is the first point of contact in your battery room. Everyone who has a battery that needs changing needs battery handling. So whether you have a small battery room in the back of a warehouse or a large fleet with lots of batteries to store and change, where you store and how you change these batteries is key to the safety and efficiency of your battery room. We have a range of products to allow you to have the most practical and flexible battery room possible, from fully customized branded racking to multi-level systems, so you can go from an empty to a fully charged battery in under 4 minutes.
HOPPECKE trak® Xchange FU
The trak® Xchange FU system is suitable for users with any quantity of batteries in any different sizes as well as for any kind of trucks.
This system is available in single to six levels high which allows all spare batteries to be located in the smallest area, allowing optimal space saving in the charging station. The laser pointer and the joystick control ensure a correct location and position of the battery, saving changing time and avoiding errors which occur in manual battery changeover and which can lead to injury.
HOPPECKE trak® Xchange MU
The trak® Xchange MU system is appropriate to users with up to 10 batteries in operation and suitable for batteries up to 750 kg when used with a hand pallet truck or up to 2,500 kg when used with a powered power truck.
Both truck types offer adjustable lifting which makes the system suitable for all kind of trucks equipped with roller bed extraction. The manual changing unit incorporates gearing which minimises the physical efforts when moving and replacing batteries. A locking device also ensures safe transit of the battery.
HOPPECKE trak® Xchange PU
The trak® Xchange PU system is appropriate to users with 10 to 20 batteries in operation and for batteries up to 2,500 kg.
The attachment is mounted to a powered pallet truck with adjustable lifting which makes the system suitable for all kind of trucks equipped with roller bed extraction. The magnetic or vacuum extraction head provides reliable, powerful and consistent battery attachment during the complete battery changing. The vacuum option allows operation with plastic or plastic coated batteries. A locking device ensures safe transit of the battery.

HOPPECKE Batteries is the largest producer of industry battery systems in European ownership. Since 1927, the family company has been developing and producing in Germany, and thanks to its leading research and development activities, it has all reliable and innovative storage technologies in its product portfolio.
Euro Style Attach-A-Puller
EZ Puller
The economical, mechanical battery puller for small fleets of batteries.
Manual handling of industrial batteries can be difficult and dangerous. People can get hurt and accidents can happen. Many health and safety policies now require that equipment is used when handling heavy items. Manually changing a large amount of batteries can be time consuming and very costly.
iBOS – Intelligent Battery Organizing System
Rightsize your battery fleet, save money and increase productivity.
Site tests have shown that if battery selection is left to an operator, 30 percent of the batteries will be underutilized and 20 percent will be overused. The result: uneven battery usage, shortened run times, hot batteries, premature battery failure and lost productivity.
iBOS® brings lean discipline to the battery room. It enables operators to properly rotate fork lift batteries by identifying which battery has had the longest cooling time since charging. It also helps supervisors manage the battery room and aids executives in making informed buying decisions. iBOS eliminates waste in your battery room, with a typical payback of less than one year.